Make a financial contribution to ensure that our programs continue and extend to all who need them throughout India.
Send a Cheque
Please make cheques payable to 'BASARA EDUCATIONAL AND WELFARE SOCIETY' and post to:
Village: Basara Shukul, P.S.: Saraiya,
District: Muzaffarpur, Bihar,
Pin: 843123
Tax Exemption
Indian tax payers are entitled to 80G Income Tax exemption on 50% of donations.
To obtain a receipt for tax exemption and if you wish to specify where your donation is spent, please email to with the following information:
1) Full Name, Address, Email ID and Telephone Number
2) PAN Number
3) Amount & Purpose of Donation* eg Education, Healthcare, Children.
*'WHERE MOST NEEDED' is our preferred option for Purpose of Donation. Books and clothing are very popular donation area which are often already funded while medicine and food is often underfunded.
Tax Information for Indian Donors: Donations to Basara Educational And Welfare Society are exempted from income tax in India.
As per section 80G(D) with effect from A.y 2018-19, no deduction (income tax) shall be allowed under section 80(G) in respect of donations of any sum exceeding ₹2000 (Two thousand only) unless such sum is paid by any mode other than cash. Thus any person donating more than ₹2000 in cash on or after 1.4.2017 shall not be entitled to claim benefit of such deduction under section 80G.
Donate in Person
Why not come see for yourself how your donation will help our work we do at our Head Office in Muzaffarpur, Bihar? Call our team on +91-8800671282 or email : to arrange your visit.
Need Help?
Need help with your donation? Email us at
We issue a receipt to every donor and details of the tax exemption are mentioned on the receipt. Please make sure to supply your PAN number and Address (as in PAN card) for us to issue the receipt. Please write to us at so that we can send the receipt to your email ID / postal address.
We have enrolled with Ministry of Corporate Affairs on receiving CSR Funds with CSR Registration Number – S000034
PAN Number: AAIAB7782R